OkCron: Blizz the Season
James was invited to collaborate with OkCron to promote the launch of Starry Cranberry for the 2024 holiday season. James provided the orchestral backing track and vocals.
Rotter Creative Group
In August 2023, James began freelance voice work and music production for the Rotter Creative Group and has since worked on the following:
Disney Dorables Series 10
Teenage Mutant Ninja Tootin' Turtle Tots
Moodles by Sunny Days Entertainment by
Hopscotch Lane by Sunny Days Entertainment
Countdown to Christmas
James' favorite time of year is Christmas and to celebrate, for the last few years he has released voice over content was released on YouTube with songs from Rankin/Bass, the Muppets, and other Christmas classics!
Countdown to Christmas
Countdown to Christmas
James Conrad Smith - Gesu Bambino
James Conrad Smith - The Fourth of July Parade
James Conrad Smith - Have a Happy New Year
James Conrad Smith - There's Got to Be a Morning After
James Conrad Smith - Stille Nacht / Silent Night
James Conrad Smith - One More Sleep 'Til Christmas
James Conrad Smith - Cantique de Noël / O Holy Night
James Conrad Smith - O Come, All Ye Faithful
James Conrad Smith - It's Gonna Snow Right Here in Dixie
James Conrad Smith - Just What I Always Wanted
James Conrad Smith - There's the Rub
James Conrad Smith - Even a Miracle Needs a Hand
James Conrad Smith - Jingle, Jingle, Jingle
James Conrad Smith - The Most Wonderful Day of the Year
James Conrad Smith - We're a Couple of Misfits
James Conrad Smith - There's Always Tomorrow
James Conrad Smith - Twelve Days of Christmas
James Conrad Smith - RMS TITANIC - Gingerbread House 2022
James Conrad Smith - Thankful Heart
James Conrad Smith - Bless Us All
James Conrad Smith - When Love Is Gone
James Conrad Smith - It Feels Like Christmas
James Conrad Smith - Scrooge
James Conrad Smith - I Believe in Santa Claus
James Conrad Smith - Krampus Karol "Gruß vom Krampus"
James Conrad Smith - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
James Conrad Smith - Frosty the Snowman
James Conrad Smith - No More Toymakers to the King
James Conrad Smith - Christmas in Killarney
James Conrad Smith - Money, Money, Money
James Conrad Smith - Why Can't the Animals Smile?
James Conrad Smith - When the Goose is Hanging High
James Conrad Smith - When the River Meets the Sea
James Conrad Smith - Christmas is Coming
James Conrad Smith - Put One Foot in Front of the Other
Nightmare Before Christmas
Friday Frights has been a Halloween voice-over project for the past two seasons featuring the songs from The Nightmare Before Christmas with music by Danny Elfman.